June 20, 2011

Worst Pie in London!

My dearest niece and her besty adore all things Tim Burton and especially the movie "Sweeney Todd".  When I was asked if I could come up with an appropriate birthday cake my warped brain started churning.  We went with a rather gruesome recreation of a meat pie...

Of course it had to contain a body part...or two...

We couldn't just leave it as a simple cake...there had to be an element of surprise...so we made it "bleed!

Fresh made strawberry sauce was lurking in the middle and the whole thing worked just as we planned!  The birthday girl was delighted, over joyed and ecstatic!  

Cake is chocolate fudge with mini chocolate chips, filled with vanilla custard, covered in chocolate buttercream and wrapped in modeling chocolate.  The "finger" is a mixture of modeling chocolate and gumpaste and hand painted to give it a gruesome corpse look. 

So much fun to plan and to create!  


  1. Any chance you'd be willing to share your recipe? I've been playing with the idea of a bleeding cake for a while now, but I'm unsure how to make it work!

  2. Sure! It's much, much simpler than it looks. :) I used four layers of cake, the middle two I cut out about a 3 inch diameter circle. I used a lining of modeling chocolate to keep the "blood" contained, though I've seen it successfully done with a thick lining of buttercream. I filled the modeling chocolate with a homemade strawberry sauce (about a pound of fresh strawberries, cooked down, a little sugar, then mashed and strained, and cooled.) Added the last layer. Frosted and done. This one was made early summer and the sauce flowed out perfectly, the eyeball cake I made for Halloween that year didn't "bleed" as well since the cake never came to room temp. Hope that helps!! Have fun!

  3. Thank you! I'm going to give it a go!
